Product: FTP Navigator
We often need to handle files that are published on a FTP server and we also often want our clients to be able to handle these files. With this goal in mind, we created FTP Navigator , a FTP browser based on PHP script and Flash. The use of Flash in the client allows for the FTP Navigator to be compatible with most web browsers (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc).
FTP Navigator is distributed as an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver MX or later versions.
The requirements for FTP Navigator are as follows:
Tip: If you want to be sure that your web server supports the FTPNavigator software, then you can download and test our free FTPNavigator compatibility check. This is a script that checks if your web server support the FTP functionalities and can access to the FTP Server through PHP Script.
Help & FAQ & Videos
Please, check this FTP Navigator Demo (Animated Flash/Video)
Additional Info: FTP Navigator - Online FAQ.
Basic Installation
To install FTP Navigator, simply execute the file FTP_Navigator.mxp , or use the "Adobe Extension Manager".
Once the extension has been installed, it can be accessed through the menu option " Commands > FTP Navigator ".
Development Notes
To use the FTP Navigator extension, you first need to have your website configured in the Dreamweaver, and the page where you are planning to insert FTP Navigator must be first saved.
Execute the menu option FTP Navigator. (See Installation.) Once you execute that option, a setup window will show up and you will be able to configure this particular FTP Navigator.
The fields of the setup window are as follows (see Fig. 1) :
If you already have inserted a FTP Navigator into the same website, a checkbox will be available to use the existing FTP Navigator 's copy. If you prefer to overwrite that copy, uncheck that option.
Note: if you insert a new Navigator into your website, the previous Navigator will be overwritten, losing the setup data entered previously.
FTP Server – you must enter the address of the FTP Server that will be handled with the FTP Navigator .
Once you have inserted a FTP Navigator , a new folder will be created at the root of your website, named TE_FTPNavigator . The new folder contains all the code necessary for the correct functioning of the software, as well as a folder named tmp (this folder must have a writing permission).
Note: The folder tmp is used for temporary storage of files that will be sent to the FTP server, as well as for a temporary folder for copying of files and folders within the same FTP Server.
The Client has 4 sections.
The central area is divided in two halves:
In the upper part of the client, you have access to the operations that can be performed with the FTP server's folders. These operations are:
If you wish to copy a file from one folder to another within the same FTP server, you just need to drag the desired file from the file list on the right side of the client, to the desired folder on the folder naigation tree, on the left side.
If you wish to copy a folder from one place to another within the same FTP server, just drag it into desired position within the folder navigation tree.
In the lower area of the FTP client, you can find operations that can be performed on files shown in the folders. These actions are:
Note: The maximum allowed size that a file can have in order to be copied to a FTP Server is limited by the PHP script setup of the server where your FTP Navigator is hosted.
When you access a FTP Navigator, a screen is shown for the introduction the data necessary for FTP server authentication. Fig 6
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